So last time we met I said I was sure something exciting was going to happen and something did. Well at least for me it was exciting. You see we're big soccer fans, Galaxy fans to be exact. We have season seats, so we spend most of our weekends at the stadium during soccer season.
I'm a HUGE Landon Donovan fan and on Saturday I was asked to do the coin toss before the game. As most of you know when you do the coin toss the captains and referees are there and who's the Galaxy captain you ask. Well none other than Donovan. Needless to say, I was super excited, so excited that most of that part of my evening is a big blur. What I do remember is being on the field, in awe, because all of the players where about 10 ft. away, including Beckham, and just saying "Thank you Jesus, Thank you Jesus, Thank you Jesus".
I just kept thinking, "this is not a coincidence". Nothing is a coincidence in the life of a believer. As silly as this may sound, I know God had his hand in it. Why? Because Jesus knows I'm a huge fan, and He knew that would make my day! Out of thousands of fans, I was the one on the field! That's crazy! Again, this might sound silly but I felt like God was telling me "I'm here, I hear you, I know you, just relax, have fun and stop worrying". Honestly, He made a small dream of mine come true. I believe He wanted to give me a little taste of what He has in store for me.
He's knows every detail in my life, He's concerned about every detail in my life, He even knows I'm a huge Donovan fan and here's the picture to prove it.