It's kind of weird because it's actually working. Every time I find myself wanting to say or do something that maybe I shouldn't say or do, I stop and ask myself "is that remark or action or sarcastic comment "the best" thing right now. And the answer is usually NO!
So this year I want to give my best, be on my best behavior, love my family & friends the best, be the best employee I can be & workout and eat healthy the best I can.
This year I want to hear more laughter in my home. I want to share more delicious meals with family & friends. I want to smile more, love more and be more. And of course a couple MORE commercials wouldn't hurt either.
-to being the best :-)
Quick recap: I shot a Walmart Christmas spot in November that never aired. Sooo bummed because I was really excited and proud of that spot. It was a two year contract so there's always a possibility it will show next Christmas. Anna's Linens came out in December, that one was neat because it was both an English and Spanish spot. And last but not least I shot a spot for "Got Milk" in Spanish. This one should be coming out soon. So all you Univision watchers keep your eyes open.