I am back by popular demand! No, not really. My friend said "blog soon" and I was like "ok". So two or three weeks later, here I am. As you probably guessed I did not get the HD gig and yes I did have cupcakes. Actually from then to now I've had several cupcakes. I used to be a huge fan of Sprinkles that was until I tried Crumbs. Oh my word, those are AMAZING and BIGGER!! Confession: we drive an hour in traffic to get one cupcake each and a cup of coffee. Anyway, I got side tracked. Back to my gigs. The last audition I went on was about 2 weeks ago, it went very very well, I was put on avail again, I didn't get it. I'm getting pretty good at accepting rejection. Oxymoron, but it's true. This is a tough gig but I'm learning sooo much, it's been a very emotional ride, but I'm not giving up. I know eventually this will pay off, I feel it in my bones. I get callbacks, I get put on avail and eventually I'll book! Right? Right!